January 15, 2010

Jersey Shore Drinking Game

This show is great and the drinking game seems cool at first, and then you play it and realize your going to have to go buy more beer. Ill explain the rules first for everyone who isn't already familiar with them.

First of all you have to start the game by watching the cast intros in the first episode every time it will definitely set the mood! after you have been introduced to each cast member you can go watch whatever episode you want.

While watching the show you must take a drink from your beer or mixed beverage every time someone:
Fist Pumps
Says "Guido" or "Guidette"
When Pauly is doing or fixing his hair
When Mike says "The Situation"
Anytime a guy has his shirt off
Anytime a girl is in a bikini top
Every time anything Ed Hardy is shown
Every time someone is working out
And every time there is a fight

And we added a few of our own to keep the drinking fast paced in the newer episodes and those are

Every time a girl gets hit you drink twice (if i girl gets hit you also drink for the fight so a total of 3 drinks)
You take one drink for every family member or friend that comes to visit (so when Snookies mom came to visit her that is one drink but when Vinny's family came its one per each person...)
When a girl is crying
And when Ronnie laughs

EDIT: I almost forgot we also drink whenever Mike and Pauly bring a girl home (drink for each girl)

Anyway we played this little game last night for the second or third time but last night is when we made up the extra rules... Between 3 of us we killed 40 beers, now that doesnt sound like THAT much until you find out that Ami only had 4... Luke on the other hand managed to drink about 15 before he got to this point...

and that leaves me bringing up the rear with 21... I am not bragging about this feat, my stomach has been reminding me all day of last night, although i would like to say I, unlike Luke, did not puke once the entire time! Word of advice don't play this game if you do not drink often you will definitely need to go beyond normal limits lol

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